Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Author Index: [Info] Gabbard, Wesley J., et al. »On the Battleground of Women's Bodies: Mass Rape in Bosnia-Herzegovina.« Affilia 21 (2006): 184-195. [Info] Gabriel, Darcy M. »Leocadia, la raptada: Una representaci n verdadera de una v ctima de trauma en la literatura cerventina.« Scholarly Horizons 1 (2014). [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Telling the Girls from the Boys and Children: Interpreting ?????? in the Sexual Violence of Populace-Ravaging Ancient Warfare.« Illinois Classical Studies No. 35-36 (2010-11): 85-109. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Girls, Women, and the Significance of Sexual Violence in Ancient Warfare.« Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones: From the Ancient World to the Era of Human Rights. Edited by Elizabeth D. Heineman. Philadelphia 2011: 73-88. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Martial Rape, Pulsating Fear, and the Sexual Maltreatment of Girls (??????), Virgins (????????), and Women (????????) in Antiquity.« American Journal of Philology 135 (2014): 303-357. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Ancient warfare and the ravaging martial rape of girls and women: Evidence from Homeric epic and Greek drama.« Sex in Antiquity: Exploring Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World. Edited Mark Masterson et al. New York 2015: 278-297. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Continuities in Rape and Tyranny in Martial Societies from Antiquity Onward.« Women in Antiquity: Real Women across the Ancient World. Edited by Stephanie L. Budin et al. London 2016: 1041-1056. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »Martial Religion, Ravaging Warfare, and Rape: Polytheistic Greek and Monotheistic Israelite Views.« Feminism and Religion: How Faiths View Women and Their Rights. Edited by Michele A. Paludi et al. Santa Barbara 2016: 173-204. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. Martial Rape, Pulsating Fear, and the Sexual Maltreatment of Girls (Paides), Virgins (Parthenoi), and Women (gynaikes) in Antiquity.« Women in the Classical World. Vol. 3. Edited by Sharon L. James et al. London 2017: 103-149. [Info] Gaca, Kathy L. »The Marital Rape of Girls and Women in Antiquity and Modernity.« The Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict. Edited by Fionnuala N Aol in et al. Oxford 2018: 306-315. [Info] Gade, Kari E. »Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature.« Scandinavian Studies 58 (1986): 124-141. [Info] Gade, Kari E. »Homosexuality and Rape of Males in Old Norse Law and Literature.« History of Homosexuality in Europe and America. Edited by Wayne R. Dynes et al. New York 1992: 114-131. [Info] Gadotti, Alhena. »Why It was Rape: The Conceptualization of Rape in Sumerian Literature.« Journal of the American Oriental Society 129 (2009): 73-82. [Info] Gafford, Lindsay D. The gospel of indifference. Rape as a weapon of war and the church in Rwanda and Sudan. M.A. Thesis, Baylor University, 2008. [Info] Gage, Carolyn. »The Women's Rape Mvsevm.« Off our backs 22 (1992): 6-7, 9. [Info] Gagn , Ann M.C. Touching Bodies/Bodies Touching: The Ethics of Touch in Victorian Literature (1860-1900). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 2011. [Info] Gagro, Sandra F. »The Crime of Rape in the ICTY's and the ICTR's Case-Law.« Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu 60 (2010): 1309-1334. [Info] Gahlen, Gundula. »Illegitime Gewalt und militärische Gewaltkulturen: Die französische und österreichische Armee während der Revolutions- und Napoleonischen Kriege (1792–1815).« »When you catch one kill him slowly«: Militärische Gewaltkulturen von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zum Zweiten Weltkrieg. Edited by Birgit Aschmann et al. Frankfurt/Main 2024: 183-216. [Info] Gajda, Kinga A., et al. »In Situ, Ex Situ, and Virtual Situ in a Museum Telling about Trauma.« The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum 17 (2024): 143-162. [Info] Gajewski, Alexandra. »Attack on the Castle of Love: Flower Power or "Traffic in Women"? An Allegorical Representation in Ivory Analysed from the Perspective of War and Gender.« Gewalt, Krieg und Geschlecht im Mittelalter. Edited by Amalie Fößel. Berlin 2020: 381-414. [Info] Gajudo, Nena. The women of Mapanique. Untold crimes of war. Quezon City 2000. [Info] Galantino, Maria G. »La memoria presente: rappresentazione sociali dei giovani sugli stupri del 1944 nel Basso Lazio.« Stupri di guerra. La violenza di massa contro le donne nel Novecento. Edited by Marcello Flores. Milan 2010: 137-157. [Info] Galea, Aimee. Challenging humanity's idea of rape culture through the myth of Apollo and Daphne and its reevaluation. Bachelor Thesis, University of Malta, 2019. [Info] Galinsky, Hans. Der Lucretia-Stoff in der Weltliteratur. Breslau 1932. [Info] Gallaher, Charles A., et al., eds. Race and Racism in the United States: An Encyclopedia of the American Mosaic. Santa Barbara 2014. [Info] Gallien, Rapha l. »La chair de l asile: Le quotidien de la folie, entre violences ordinaires et ambitions disciplinaires (Madagascar, 1941).« Politique africaine No. 157 (2020): 71-89. [Info] Galliher, John F., et al. »Edwin Sutherland s research on the origins of sexual psychopath laws. An early case study of the medicalization of deviance.« Social problems 33 (1985): 100-113. [Info] Gallimore, Rangira B. »Militarism, ethnicity, and sexual violence in the Rwandan genocide.« Feminist Africa No. 10 (2008): 9-29. [Info] Galv o Neta, Inoc ncia. »Fragmentos da condi o feminina e a l gica jur dica no in cio da rep blica: Recife (1920-1940).« Cadernos do Tempo Presente No. 22 (2015-16): 46-56. [Info] Galvin, Jim. »Rape: a decade of reform.« Crime & delinquency 31 (1985): 163-168. [Info] Gamboa Bazt n, Mar a A. »Los procesos criminales sobre la causa del estupro ante la Corte y el Consejo Real de Navarra (1750-1799): Aproximaci n a la sociedad navarra de la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII.« Pr ncipe de Viana No. 9 (1988): 111-120. [Info] Gamet, M.-L. »Violences sexuelles des mineurs en France: comment les m decins peuvent devenir des interlocuteurs privil gi s des victimes?.« Sexologies (July 25, 2013). [Info] Gammie, John G. »Herodotus on Kings and Tyrants: Objective Historiography or Conventional Portraiture? Journal of Near Eastern Studies 45 (1986): 171-195. [Info] Gammon, Julie. »"A denial of innocence". Female juvenile victims of rape and the English legal system in the eighteenth century.« Childhood in question. Children, parents and the state. Edited by Anthony J. Fletcher et al. Manchester 1999: 74-95. [Info] Gammon, Julie D. Ravishment and Ruin: The Construction of Stories of Sexual Violence in England, c.1640-1820. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Essex, 2000. [Info] Gammon, Julie. »Researching Sexual Violence, 1660 1800: A Critical Analysis.« Interpreting Sexual Violence, 1660-1800. Edited by Anne Greenfield. London 2013: 13-22. [Info] Gandhi, Sushma, et al. »Representation of Women in Rajkumar Santoshi s Films.« International Journal of Scientific Research 7 (2018): 10-11. [Info] Gandhi, Sushma, et al. »Representation of Women in Rajkumar Santoshi s Films.« International Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies 4 (2018). [Info] Gandouz, Olfa. »"Stop This Hysterical Outburst and Tell Me What's Happened?": Gendered Rape Trauma Syndrome of the Fallen Madonna in Tennessee Williams s A Streetcar Named Desire.« De Facto Trauma Reconsidered. Edited by Faten Haouioui. Newcastle upon Tyne 2021: 69-83. [Info] Gang, Daye, et al. »"Obviously It's for the Victim to Decide": Restorative Justice for Sexual and Family Violence From the Perspective of Second-Wave Anti-Rape Activists.« Violence Against Women (2023). [Info] Gangoli, Geetanjali, et al., eds. International Approaches to Rape. Bristol 2011. [Info] Gangoli, Geetanjali, et al. »Political Activism, Legal Discourses and Sexual Violence in India.« e-International Relations (February 6, 2013). [Info] Gannon, Robyn. »Image-based sexual abuse in Ireland: a thematic and critical discourse analysis of Twitter data surrounding a highly-publicised case in 2013 « Dearcadh: Graduate Journal of Gender, Globalisation and Rights 3 (2022): 9-26. [Info] Ganzevoort, R. Ruard, et al. »Masculinity, Spirituality, and Male Wartime Sexual Trauma.« Interdisciplinary Handbook of Trauma and Culture. Edited by Yochai Ataria et al. Cham 2016: 339-351. [Info] Ganzevoort, R.Ruard, et al. »Why Do We See Him Naked? Politicized, Spiritualized and Sexualized Gazes at Violence.« When Did We See You Naked? Jesus as a Victim of Sexual Abuse. Edited by Jayme R. Reaves et al. London 2021: 195-209. [Info] Gao, Fanfu. »Riben shehui chuantong yu rijun weianfu zhidu.« Xuehai No. 3 (2005): 58-61. [Info] Gao, Fanfu, et al. »Riben junren de xingxinli yu weianfu zhidu.« Nan jing she hui ke xue No. 8 (2006): 87-92. [Info] Gao, Ming. »Emotions of perpetrators and victim-survivors: Multi-layered violence against Chinese women during the Asia-Pacific War.« Critical Asian Studies (October 14, 2024). [Info] Garcia Prieto, Beatriz. La repres on franquista sobre las mujeres leonesas (1936-1950). Master Thesis, Universidad de Le n, 2016. [Info] Garcia, Elisa F. »Conquista, sexo y esclavitud en la cuenca del R o de la Plata: Asunci n y S o Vicente a mediados del siglo XVI.« American a No. 2 (2015): 39-73. [Info] Garcia, Emanuel E. »Freud s seduction theory.« Psychoanalytic study of the child 42 (1987): 443-468. [Info] Garc a, Katy. »La tortura sexual como pr ctica sistem tica: Violencia de g nero en el D2 y la UP1.« Umbrales (2011): 66-71. [Info] Garcia C rcamo, Juan. »Una aproximaci n a las actitudes de las criadas j venes sobre la sexualidad y el matrimonio a trav s de las querellas por estupros en Vizcaya (siglos XVIII-XIX).« Familia y Mentalidades. Historia de la Familia. Una nueva perspectiva sobre la sociedad europea lite de poder en el reino de Murcia (siglos XV-XIX). Edited by ngel Rodr guez S nchz et al. Murcia 1997: 93-104. [Info] Garc a Gil, Elizabeth. »Delito contra la honestidad: El estupro en la documentaci n del tr nsito del Medievo a la Modernidad. Algunos casos de estudio.« Cambio generacional y mujeres universitarias: Genealog as, conocimiento y compromiso feminista. Edited by Lorena C. Barco Cebri n et al. Madrid 2019: 191-210. [Info] Garc a Le n, Susana, et al. »Las reales ejecutorias como fuente para el estudio de la historia.« Clio & Crimen No. 10 (2013): 373-390. [Info] Garcia-Guevara, Aldo V. »Imperial Detritus and the Project of Modernity: Sexuality, Honor, and Power in the Bedroom and the Courtroom in El Salvador, 1910 1960.« Journal of World History 28 (2017): 469-492. [Info] Garc a-Maroto, lvaro, et al. »Characteristics of drug-facilitated sexual assault in Spain.« Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling (June 21, 2020). [Info] Gardner, Jane F. Women in Roman Law and Society. London 1986. [Info] Gardner, Jane F. Frauen im antiken Rom. Familie, Alltag, Recht. Munich 1995. [Info] Gardner, Hunter H. »Ventriloquizing Rape in Menander's Epitrepontes.« Helios 39 (2012): 12-143. [Info] Garfield, Deborah M. »Speech, listening, and female sexuality in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.« Arizona quarterly 50 (1994): 19-49. [Info] Garland, Tammy S., et al. »Blurring the Lines: Reinforcing Rape Myths in Comic Books.« Feminist Criminology (2015). [Info] Garnham, Neal. »The trials of James Cotter and Henry, Baron Barry of Santry. Two case studies in the administration of criminal justice in early eighteenth-century Ireland.« Irish historical studies 31 (1999): 328-342. [Info] Garnier, Caroline P. Woman and trauma in William Faulkner s fiction. Ann Arbor 2002. [Info] Garnier, Guillaume. »Incubes et succubes: Figures sexu es du viol onirique (XVIe XVIIe si cle).« Verger No. 4 (2013). [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Gegen die Transfiguration der Vergewaltigung: Eine Frau in Berlin.« Kulturbau. Aufr umen, Ausr umen, Einr umen. Edited by Peter Hanenberg et al. Frankfurt/Main 2010: 405-417. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »O violador mu ulmano. Discursos de exorciza o do indesej vel na Europa fortaleza".« e-cadernos ces No. 8 (2010): 121-135. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Vergewaltigung als Schl sselbegriff einer misslungenen Vergangenheitsbew ltigung: Hans-Ulrich Treichels »Der Verlorene« und Reinhard Jirgls »Die Unvollendeten«.« Mittelweg 36 19 (2010): 3-17. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Vergewaltigung als Schl sselbegriff einer misslungenen Vergangenheitsbew ltigung: Hans-Ulrich Treichels Der Verlorene und Reinhard Jirgls Die Unvollendeten.« REAL No.1 (2010): 1-19. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »The Western way is the German way: Contemporary German films revisit allied wartime violence.« Filologia, Mem ria e Esquecimento. Edited by Fernanda Mota Alves et al. Ribeir o 2010. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Grass' Umgang mit den Kriegsvergewaltigungen deutscher Frauen.« Estudios Filol gicos Alemanes No. 22 (2011): 435-446. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. Os limites da representa o: A viola o da mulher alem na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Coimbra 2011. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Prostitui o for ada de migrantes de Leste no cinema contempor neo.« e-cadernos ces No. 14 (2011): 77-102. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Hordas de violadores: A instrumentaliza o da viol ncia sexual em discursos anticomunistas alem es da Guerra Fria.« Revista Cr tica de Ci ncias Sociais No. 96 (2012): 47-66. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »M rtires crist s do Bolchevismo: As viola es de alem s na Segunda Guerra Mundial sob um olhar cat lico.« Mnemo-grafias interculturais. Edited by M rio Matos et al. Ribeir o 2012: 273-290. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Porn, Rape and the Fall of the Third Reich: On Thor Kunkel's Novel Endstufe.« Plots of War: Modern Narratives of Conflict. Edited by Isabel Capeloa Gil et al. Berlin 2012: 99-113. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »A viola o como arma de propaganda.« P@X - Boletim da linha de Estudos para a Paz No. 18 (2012): 2-4. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Com os Tribunais Internacionais para a Ex-Jugosl via e para o Ruanda atingimos um ponto de n o Retorno no que diz respeito ao julgamento de viol ncia sexual: Entrevista com Gabriela Mischkowski.« P@X - Boletim da linha de Estudos para a Paz No. 18 (2012): 8-11. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Vergewaltigung oder Wie man vor dem Fremden warnt: Abgrenzungsstrategien und europ ische Identit t.« Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010. Vol. 5. Frankfurt/Main 2012: 145-149. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Verschweigen, feministische Begeisterung, deutscher Opferdiskurs und romantische Trivialisierung: Die vielen Leben des Tagebuchs Eine Frau in Berlin.« REAL No. 3 (2012): 39-55. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Wartime rape as a weapon of propaganda.« P@X - Peace Studies Research Line Bulletin No. 18 (2012): 2-4. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »"With the International Criminal Tribunal for the Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda we reached a point of no return in respect to prosecuting sexual violence": Interview with Gabriela Mischkowski.« P@X - Peace Studies Research Line Bulletin No. 18 (2012): 8-11. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Hordes of Rapists: The Instrumentalization of Sexual Violence in German Cold War Anti-Communist Discourses.« RCCS Annual Review No. 5 (2013): 43-63. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Uma hist ria "conveniente" de viola es em tempo de guerra: Por que raz o a Alemanha de Adenauer rejeitou Uma Mulher em Berlim e enalteceu Di rio Prussioano.« Representa es da Viol ncia. Edited by Ant nio Sousa Ribeiro. Coimbra 2013: 83-103. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »"O melhor mesmo n o falar sobre isso, pois n o iremos recuperar a pureza": Instrumentaliza o pol tica, controlo da sexualidade feminina e estigmatiza o das v timas de viola o num texto c t lico alem o.« Quem me tocou? O corpo na simb lica religiosa. Contributos das teologias feministas. Edited by Fernanda Henriques et al. 2013: 101-127. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Vergewaltigte deutsche Frauen und die Konstruktion einer westorientierten deutschen Nation in anti-kommunistischen Texten des Kalten Krieges.« Der literarische Europa-Diskurs: Festschrift f r Paul Michael L tzeler zum 70. Geburtstag. Edited by Peter Hanenberg et al. W rzburg 2013: 122-133. [Info] Garraio, J lia. »G nter Grass e a viola o da mulheres alem s na Segunda Guerra Mundial.« Encontros e Travessias: Homenagem a Jo o Barrento. Edited by Ana M. Bernardo et al. Ribeira 2014. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. A literatura alem e a mem ria da viol ncia sexual na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Coimbra 2014. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »"Der Vergewaltiger unter uns": Ged chtniskultur und deutsche Sexualverbrecher im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Einschnitte: Signaturen der Gewalt in textorientierten Medien. Edited by Dagmar von Hoff et al. W rzburg 2016: 77-92. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Die deutsche Literatur und das Ged chtnis der sexuellen Gewalt im Zweiten Weltkrieg.« Vom Experiment zur Neuorientierung: Forschungswege der Germanistik im 21. Jahrhundert. Edited by Ana M. Bernardo et al. Berlin 2017: 35-51. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Viola o.« Cartografia afro-lusa de Cultura, L ngua e Artes. Lisbon 2017. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Den Erinnerungsort "Deutsche vergewaltigte Frau" umformulieren: Julia Francks Roman Die Mittagsfrau.« Literarisierungen von Gewalt: Beitr ge zur deutschsprachigen Literatur. Edited by Dagmar von Hoff et al. Berlin 2018: 117-130. [Info] Garraio, Júlia. »Cologne and the (un)making of transnational approaches to sexual violence.« European Journal of Women's Studies (July 25, 2020). [Info] Garraio, Júlia, et al. »Lücken und Fallstricke: Wie entsteht Wissen über sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten? Ein Gespräch.« Vor Aller Augen: Sexuelle Gewalt in bewaffneten Konflikten. Edited by Gaby Zipfel et al. Hamburg 2021: 17-51. [Info] Garrett, Cynthia E. »Sexual consent and the art of love in the early modern English lyric.« SEL 44 (2004): 37-58. [Info] Garrido Ardila, Juan A. »Violencia sexual en La familia de Pascual Duarte.« Arbor No. 772 (2015): 1-12. [Info] Garrido Cabezas, Norman, et al. »Abuso sexual eclesi stico en Chile: Las interpretaciones de altos representantes de la Iglesia Cat lica ante las acusaciones.« Interciencia 45 (2020): 409-416. [Info] Garrigues, Véronique, ed. »Sur tous les fronts: Femmes en guerre du Moyen Âge au XXIe siècle. Levallois-Perret 2024. [Info] Gartner, Elisabeth. Sexuelle Gewalt in den Deklamationen des lteren Seneca: Contr. 1,5. Einleitung, bersetzung, Kommentar. Diplomarbeit, Universit t Graz, 2004. [Info] Gasparrini, Antonio, et al. »Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis.« The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158. [Info] Gassner, Florian. »Fatih Akin's Head On: Challenging Mythologies of German Social Work in Gegen die Wand (2004).« German #MeToo: Rape Cultures and Resistance, 1770-2020. Edited by Elisabeth Krimmer et al. Rochester 2022: 345-361. [Info] Gastrow, Peter, et al. »Stealing the show? 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[Info] Gatti, Andrea A.M. »The Myth of Lot in Genesis 19 and its Implications in Sexual Education During the Middle Ages.« Mirabilia Journal 18 (2014): 160-177. [Info] Gaudillat Cautela, St phanie. »Question de mots. Le "viol" au XVIe si cle, un crime contre les femmes?« Clio No. 24 (2006): 59-74. [Info] Gaudillat Cautela, St phanie. »Le "viol" au XVIe si cle. Entre th ories et pratiques.« Normes juridiques et pratiques judiciaires du Moyen ge l poque contemporaine. Edited by Beno t Garnot. Dijon 2007: 103-111. [Info] Gaudillat Cautela, St phanie. »Le corps des femmes dans la qualification du « viol » au XVIe si cle.« Femmes en fleurs, femmes en corps. Sang, sant , sexualit s, du Moyen ge aux Lumi res. Edited by Cathy McClive et al. Saint-Etienne 2010: 249-276. [Info] Gaugele, Elke. »"Nun sollten wir zu sp ren bekommen, was Erobertwerden hei t": Erfahrungen von Frauen im Landkreis T bingen beim Einmarsch der franz sischen Besatzungstruppen.« T binger Bl tter 82 (1995-96): 28-32. [Info] Gaul, Theresa S. »Captivity, childbirth, and the Civil War in Harriet Prescott Spofford s "Circumstance".« Legacy 19 (2002): 35-43. [Info] Gauvard, Claude. »Honneur de femme et femme d honneur en France la fin du Moyen ge.« Francia 28 (2001): 159-191. [Info] Gayle, Curtis A. »The World of Modern Japanese Historiography: Tribulations and Transformations in Historical Approaches.« A Companion to Global Historical Thought. Edited by Prasenjit Duara et al. Malden 2014: 213-227. [Info] Gauché Marchetti, Ximena, et al. »Acoso sexual en Chile y tutela judicial efectiva: Algunos nudos críticos desde la perspectiva de género.« Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Social No.35 (2022): 297-331. [Info] Gbemileke, A., et al. »A Five-Year Analysis of Police Records on Sexual-related Offences in Lagos state, Nigeria.« African Journal of Biomedical Research 18 (2015): 109-121. [Info] Geay, Yannick. Le malheureux bourdon: Figuration du viol dans la litt rature finis culaire. 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[Info] Gebrande, Julia. »Die Entstehung der Beratungsstellen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und der Forschung ber Kinder mit sexuellen Missbrauchserfahrungen.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualit t nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 300-312. [Info] Gebrande, Julia, et al., eds. Machtmissbrauch in der katholischen Kirche: Aufarbeitung und Pr vention sexualisierter Gewalt. Hildesheim 2019. [Info] Gebrande, Julia. »Sexualisisierte Gewalt in der katholischen Kirche: Ein berblick ber aktuelle Forschungen und Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen.« Kindesmisshandlung und - vernachl ssigung 22 (2019): 44-55. [Info] Ge gen, Demel. The Hidden Message: A Study of Pedophilia in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita from Freudian Psychoanalytic Perspective. Master Thesis, Karab k University, 2021. [Info] Geimer, Samantha. La Fille: Ma vie dans l'ombre de Roman Polanski. Paris 2013. [Info] Geimer, Samantha. 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